Channel: Buffet o' Blog
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eating bacon to live longer

I just heard about a 105-year-old woman in Texas who says her secret is that she eats bacon every day.  I don’t know if that will stand up to medical scrutiny, but it’s worth something. The article...

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a Lamborghini Batmobile

This year Lamborghini released one of the world’s most expensive cars ever, the Veneno at $3.9 million.  Only 3 were produced, so this is just a collector’s item for those with more money than they can...

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weird baby names, some banned

In America, you’re free to name your baby whatever you want.  For the most part, freedom is good; we don’t want tyranny.  But some countries’ governments feel it is their duty to protect people from...

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caption contest: car wreck – how did this happen

We haven’t had a caption contest recently, so let’s get that restarted.  It’s real simple to play — think of something funny / humorous to go with this picture.  The only rule is to keep it clean.  And...

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bird poop facials — only $180

I’ve heard of people drinking coffee made from poop, which is crazy enough.  But at least it’s cooked and processed to some degree.  Now there’s a new use for poop.  (But wait, there’s more!) Now a spa...

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diet colas with artificial poop

The other day I wrote about a spa using bird poop in facials, and at the end of the discussion I joked about what would be the next use of poop.  At the time, I was unaware of a breaking news story...

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Yosemite Sam and Nerf guns

If someone is annoying you by repeatedly shooting you with a Nerf gun in the office, what do you do?  If diplomacy doesn’t work, you respond with a bigger gun.  For some reason, my intro reminded me of...

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Why is gas $9.99/gallon?

I saw this the other day while driving around central Arkansas. Fortunately it’s not true!  But that’s the actual sign — no Photoshop or other editing.  The gas station / truck stop has been completely...

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world record birthday Cheetos

I figure at some point most everyone thinks it would be neat to somehow get in the Guinness Book of World Records.  Today I had a random thought along those lines, but not for that purpose.  I recently...

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Jetman, flying cars, the future

In the news recently was someone called Jetman, who built his own jetpack with four rockets on it.  Supposedly he can go 190 mph.  Here’s a video: That would be awesome to have.  I wonder if we’ll ever...

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when words aren’t enough…

When words aren’t enough… Say it with bacon!  If only this would work with women… but in reality, it would likely result in disasterousness (which may not be an actual word, but it would be bad)....

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famous car chase in shopping mall recreated

If you start with a car chase scene inside a shopping mall (which sounds awesome), and it features the Blues Brothers (which makes it definitely awesome), then recreate the original classic movie clip...

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Why would you say that?!?

I was recently visiting the in-laws around Christmas, and the conversation took an unexpected turn.  One person was telling a story they heard on the local news about a couple who were burning trash...

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Einstein, ACME, and science

A while back I read an article about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and it had a few statistics that seem somewhat embellished to me.  Now, I’m no scientist, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn...

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funny pictures, episode 17

It’s been a while since I’ve posted funny pictures, so it’s way overdue.  Plus, the first one has relevance based on current world events, if you’ve heard about Russia’s “takeover” of Crimea (part of...

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car commercial with Bo & Luke Duke

I realize many people don’t watch TV commercials anymore, or at least try to avoid them.  Many commercials are dumb and annoying.  However, every once in a while someone creates an awesome commercial,...

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2014 National Cheese Dip Competition

A couple of the Buffet o’ Blog staff attended the National Cheese Dip Competition this year.  Let me just say it was AWESOME!  And let me also add that next time attendance is required for all Buffet...

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